NZ Guidelines & Recording Standards for Weather, Snowpack & Avalanche

Continuous information about the weather, snowpack condition, and avalanche occurrences is essential for making decisions about avalanche safety in mountain operations including ski areas, guiding operations (heliski or ski touring), and road safety operations. Longer-term data is also required for hazard studies, the development of avalanche forecasting techniques, and control programmes. Uniform methods of observations and consistent terminology assist the exchange of information between different operations.

NZ Guidelines and Recording Standards for Weather, Snowpack and Avalanche Observations (2017, NZ) Published by the New Zealand Mountain Safety Council. These guidelines are the standard for New Zealand.

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Additional Research

All the following research articles have been approved and adopted by the Snow and Avalanche Committee. These will be incorporated into the updated version of the NZ Guidelines and Recording Standards for Weather, Snowpack and Avalanche (every three years).